Like, have you ever pondered why we as humans need 9 hours of sleep a day? That's at least 1/3 of our whole day. Man, we think we're so tough and so cool and so smart and yet we need that much sleep? We are human, after all.
If we're late to things, we get in trouble. If we are early to things, we think, 'Man, I could've spent that last 10 mins in bed'.
We have routines that tell us what to spend our time on. 1 hour getting ready. 40 mins on the train. 4 hours in class. Eat lunch. Go home. Watch some tele. Hang with friends. Make dinner, sit with family, watch more tv/facebook, hop in the shower, sleep. Repeat.
The question for me should I be spending my time as a single, Christian woman? Am I doing enough? I know that's not really the question, but I think it anyway. Should I be spending so much time at uni when I'm pretty sure I only ever want to work part-time in a paid position? Well, I think that's ok. There's still value in education.
I'd hate to think how many hours I spend on facebook. Is that downtime, or am I spending too much time on there?
The thing I hate the most about time is when it is all filled up. I don't think our lives were designed to be so busy. Or maybe we should be busy, but we aren't filling our lives with the right stuff to be occupying our time with.
Ecclesiastes says there is a time for everything. I haven't fully figured out what that means, but I think it's helpful. I trust in God's timing - that He knows best and knows what He's doing with my life. God also wants me to trust Him when time seems to just be moving along...and nothing is happening. Trust God, trust God, trust God. There is a time for everything.